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You are here: Home > Science > Living Things > Animals > Invertebrates > Mollusks > Octopus and Squid
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Giant Pacific Octopus
[ Kids/Teens ] - Sketch and factsheet from the National Parks Conservation Association.
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Giant Pacific Octopus
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - Photographs and facts from the National Aquarium in Baltimore.
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Nature: The Octopus Show
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - Describes the ingenuity of these magnificent creatures. Also how they live and how they are capable of disguising themselves. Includes video clips.
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Ocean Planet: In Search of Giant Squid - From Myth to Reality
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] - Online exhibit that explores and interprets the mystery, beauty and complexity of giant squids.
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The UnMuseum - Giant Squid
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] - The existence of the giant squid, genus Architeuthis, is well accepted by science though few have ever been seen. Here, teens will be able to discover the means by which squids move, its physical characteristics, and its feeding habits.
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